Just send us an inquiry about the desired quantity of Pilz 773010B to our sales team for an exact delivery time. When ordering larger quantities, we can maybe shorten the delivery time. The delivery time usually refers to 1 piece. The article Pilz 773010B PNOZmulti Configurator, Basic License is currentlyĪccording to our experience the article is ready for dispatch within 10 working days. Questions & answers What is the delivery time of Pilz 773010B PNOZmulti Configurator, Basic License? N = Multi-user upgrade license: Multi-user license change to a newer software version (Reduced) V = User upgrade license: For user license change to a newer software version (Reduced) U = Basic upgrade license: With basic license change to a newer software version (Reduced) M = Multi-user license: Multi-user license, tiered pricing on the number of jobs (up to 25, 50, 100 and 100) L = Lite License: service version or full version with the limitation on PNOZmulti m0p and mm0p for use at a workstation K = User license: Licence for an additional workstation (discounted) License key for the programming software PNOZmulti Configurator to activate the full or service functionality.ī = Basic license: Single user license, issued to one owner stating company name and location / project Take advantage of the numerous safety functions, specific press blocks, configuration of fieldbus inputs and much more.